
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Post 2 Chemical Reactions

We have now been learning on balancing and writing the products of the reactants which, unlike the previous method, requires two ionic aqueous compounds that switch elements in the product. You must then determine if the resultant is aqueous (spectator ions) or solid (the reactants) using the solubility rules. Here's a link that provides interesting ways to remember these rules. youtube
And here's another video to go over the equations along with other review. CrashCourse

1 comment:

  1. Emmeline, thank you for the videos and chart! The first video gave me new ideas on how to memorize the solubility rules. I found the Crash Course video very interesting and liked how the speaker related precipitate reactions to nature. Also, the chart you posted is more condensed than the one we received in class, and I found it more helpful to learn with.
