
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Post 2 Aqueous Solutions

We have recently finished gathering the data for the murder investigation lab which involved double replacement chemical reactions, determining which reactions produced solids which when then used to determine that the mystery poison was silver carbonate. Here's a link to the lab. murder mystery lab

We discovered that the culprit was Mr.Green.
Here's a reminder on: double replacement youtube
                                   solubility rules chem 
                                   molarity occc , chemteam


  1. This post explained what you did with your chemical reaction but not what you did in the lab. I would like to what you did in the lab, why, and how you did all your calculations.

  2. I liked this post, but it could have been made more clear if you explained the whole lab. Although our class knows what the lab is, other people reading this blog may not.

  3. I agree with both Leva and Matthew in that your blog was good in that it included pictures so we could understand what it was that you were talking about yet the explanations were a little weak. Other than some brief notes you made, the information included was well done.
