
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Post 6 Atomic Structure and Radioactivity

Finished the Elements in the Star project. Today was a free computer day.
Here's some useful websites for the star blog.
Astronoo (stars)
Astronoo (list of brightest stars)
trou noir, résidu d'étoile massive...


  1. These links helped me so much with my project. I don't know how I would've finished without them

  2. Thank you for sharing these links, Emmeline! I used both of them for my celestial bodies project. The top one told me the most abundant elements in each of my stars, without me having to search several sites for it. The bottom link gave me a list of common stars that were easy to find information about, so that made the whole process go faster. Overall, the links you shared were life-savers for this project. Also, I like the picture you included on this post!
